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33. Hao Q., Pang Y., Zhao Y., Zhang J., Feng J.,* and Yao S.,* “Mechanism of Delayed Frost Growth on Superhydrophobic Surfaces with Jumping Condensates: More than Interdrop Freezing,” Langmuir, 30 (51), pp 15416–15422

32. Zhou H., Li G., and Yao S.,* “A Droplet-Based pH Regulator in Microfluidics,” Lab on a Chip, 14, pp. 1917-1922

31. Zhou H. and Yao S.,* “A Facile On-Demand Droplet Microfluidic System for Lab-on-a-Chip Applications,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 16, pp. 667-675

30. Chen Q., Li G., Nie Y., Yao S., and Zhao J.,* “Investigation and Improvement of Reversible Microfluidic Devices based on Glass–PDMS–Glass Sandwich Configuration,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 16, pp. 83-90

29. Zhou H., Yao Y., Chen Q., Li G., and Yao S.,* “A Facile Microfluidic Strategy for Measuring Interfacial Tension”, Applied Physics Letters, 103, 234102, 2013.

28. Chen X., Ma R., Zhou H., Zhou X., Che L., Yao S.,* and Wang Z.,* “Activating the Microscale Edge Effect in a Hierarchical Surface for Frosting Suppression and Defrosting Promotion,” Scientific Reports, 3, 2515, 2013.

27. Jiang L., Wang W., Chau Y.,* and Yao S.,* “Controllable Formation of Aromatic Nanoparticles in a Three-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Flow Focusing Microfluidic Device,” RSC Advances, 3, pp. 17762-17769, 2013.

26. Zhou H. and Yao S.,* “Electrostatic Charging and Control of Droplets in Microfluidic Devices,” Lab on a Chip, 13 (5), pp. 962-969, 2013.

25. Chen X., Ma R., Li J., Hao C., Guo W., Luk B.L., Li S.C., Yao S., Wang Z.,* “Evaporation of Droplets on Superhydrophobic Surfaces: Surface Roughness and Small Droplet Size Effects,” Physical Review Letters, 109, 116101, 2012.

24. Rykaczewski K.,* Osborn W.A , Chinn J., Walker M.L., Scott J. , Jones W.,  Hao C., Yao S., Wang Z., “How Nanorough is Rough Enough to Make a Surface Superhydrophobic during Water Condensation?Soft Matter, 8, pp.8786-8794, 2012.

23. Feng J., Pang Y., Qin Z., Ma R., and Yao S.,* “Why Condensate Drops can Spontaneously Move Away on Some Superhydrophobic Surfaces but can not on Others?ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 4 (12), pp 6618–6625, 2012.

22. Xu L., Li Z., and Yao S.,* “Directional Motion of Evaporating Droplets on Gradient Surfaces,” Applied Physics Letters, 101 (6), 064101, 2012.

21. Voelz V.A., Jäger M., Yao S., Chen Y. , Zhu L. , Waldauer S.A., Bowman G.R., Friedrichs M., Bakajin O., Lapidus L.J., Weiss S., and Pande V.S.,* “Slow Unfolded-State Structuring in Acyl-CoA Binding Protein Folding Revealed by Simulation and Experiment,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, 134 (30), pp. 12565–12577, 2012.

20. Feng J., Qin Z., and Yao S.,* “Factors Affecting the Spontaneous Motion of Condensate Drops on Superhydrophobic Copper Surfaces,” Langmuir, 28, pp. 6067-6075, 2012.

19. Cao Z., Yuan L., Liu Y.-F., Yao, S., and Yobas L.,* “Microchannel Plate Electro-osmotic Pump,” Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 13 (2), pp. 279-288, 2012.

18. Jiang L., Zeng Y., Zhou H., Qu J.Y.,* and Yao S.,* “Visualizing Millisecond Chaotic Mixing Dynamics in Microdroplets: a Direct Comparison of Experiment and Simulation,” Biomicrofluidics, 6, 012810, 2012 (Spotlight Picture). Also in Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research, March 15, 2012.

17. Waldauer, S.A., Wu L., Yao, S., Bakajin, O., and Lapidus, L.J.,* “Microfluidic Mixers for Studying Protein Folding,” Journal of Visualized Experiments, 62, e3976, 2012.

16. Lin, Y.,* and Yao, S., “Conformation and Confinement Energy of Interacting End-Grafted Molecules,” International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 4 (#1), 1250008, 2012.

15. Chen X., Wu J., Ma R., Hua M., Koratkar N.,* Yao S.,* and Wang Z.,* “Nanograssed Micropyramidal Architectures for Continuous Dropwise Condensation,” Advanced Functional Materials, 21 (#24), pp.4597 (Cover Picture), pp. 4617-4623, 2011. Also featured on, Sep 23, 2011.

14. Wu J., Ma R., Wang Z., and Yao S.,* “Do Droplets Always Move Following the Wettability Gradient?Applied Physics Letters, 98, 204104, 2011. Also in Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, May 30, 2011.

13. Zeng Y., Jiang L., Zheng W., Li D., Yao S.,* and Qu J.Y.,* “Quantitative Imaging of Mixing Dynamics in Microfluidic Droplets using Two-Photon Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging,” Optics Letters, 36, pp. 2236-2238, 2011. Also in Virtual Journal for Biomedical Optics, Jul 27, 2011.

12. Chen L., Wu J., Li Z., and Yao S.,* “Evolution of Entrapped Air under Bouncing Droplets on Viscoelastic Surfaces,” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 384(#1-3), pp. 726-732, 2011.

11. Lin Y.,* Yao, S., and Xu Q., “Dynamic Adhesion Energy Between Surfaces Connected by Molecular Bonds and its Application to Peel Test,” Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, 3(#3), pp. 247-255, 2010.

10. Waldauer S.A., Bakajin O., Ball T., Chen Y., DeCamp S.J., Kopka M., Jager M., Singh V., Wedemeyer W.J., Weiss S., Yao, S., Lapidus L.J.,* “Ruggedness in the Folding Landscape of Protein L,” HFSP Journal, 2(#6), pp. 388-395, 2008.

9. Yao S., and Bakajin O.,* “Improvements in Mixing Time and Mixing Uniformity in Devices Designed for Studies of Protein Folding Kinetics,” Analytical chemistry, 79, pp. 5753-5759, 2007.

8. Lin C.-W., Yao S., Posner. J., Myers A.M., and Santiago J.G.,* “Toward Orientation Independent Design for Gas Recombination in Closed-Loop Electroosmotic Pumps,” Sensors and Actuators B, 128(#1), pp. 334-339, 2007.

7. Lapidus L.J., Yao S., McGarruty K.S., Hertzog D.E., Tubman E., and Bakajin O.,* “Protein Hydrophobic Collapse and Early Folding Steps Observed in a Microfluidic Mixer,Biophysical Journal, 93(#1), pp. 218-224, 2007.

6. Kenny T.W.,* Goodson K.E., Santiago J.G., Wang E., Koo, J.-M., Jiang L., Zhang L., Fogg D.W., Yao S., Flynn R., Cheng C.-H., and Hidrovo C.H., “Advanced Cooling Technologies for Microprocessors,” International Journal of High Speed Electronics and Systems, 16(1), pp. 301-313, 2006.

5. Yao S., Myers A.M., Posner. J., Rose K.A., and Santiago J.G.,* “Electroosmotic Pumps Fabricated from Porous Silicon Membranes,” Journal of Microelectromechanical Systems, 15(#3), pp. 717-728, 2006.

4. Yao S., and Santiago J.G.,* “Porous Glass Electroosmotic Pumps: Theory,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 268, pp. 133-142, 2003.

3. Yao S., Hertzog D.E., Zeng S., Mikkelsen J.C., and Santiago J.G.,* “Porous Glass Electroosmotic Pumps: Design and Experiments,” Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 268, pp. 143-153, 2003. 

2. Jiang L., Mikkelsen J.C., Koo J.-M., Huber D., Yao, S., Zhang L., Zhou P., Maveety J.G., Prasher R., Santiago J.G., Kenny T.W., and Goodson K.E.,* “Closed-Loop Electroosmotic Microchannel Cooling System for VLSI Circuits,” IEEE Transactions on Components & Packaging Technologies, 25(#3), pp.347-355, 2002.

1. Goodson K.E.,* Santiago J.G., Kenny T.W., Jiang L., Zeng S., Koo J.-M., Zhang L., Yao S., and Wang E., “Electroosmotic Microchannel Cooling System for Microprocessors,” Electronics Cooling, 8, pp. 46-47, 2002.

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